Rust: Borrowed vs owned in as_, to_ and into_

Rust: Borrowed vs owned in as_, to_ and into_
When you read the rust documentation about ad-hoc conversions, you see notations as borrowed -> borrowed, owned -> owned etc. What does that mean? I know the words, but how does it translate into rust? I have some questions, and i want to use this blogging platform to ask some questions.
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Multistage docker is sharing intermediate images

Multistage docker is sharing intermediate images
When building an image we with a multistage Dockerfile, it uses the intermediate images even when you build multiple images over a pass of multiple docker build commands
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Rsync two folders

Rsync two folders
A quick way to rsync two folders
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Spacemacs og udvikling

Spacemacs og udvikling
Orgmode, spacemacs og .NET Core? Det kan lade sig gøre (næsten). Læs mere her.
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Linux: installation af Hack font

Linux: installation af Hack font
Dette lille script, kan du med rette gemme, og køre en chmod 777 på, og køre det, hvis du gerne vil have installeret hack fonten #!/usr/bin/env bash cd Downloads wget if [ ! -d "~/.fonts" ] ; then mkdir ~/.fonts fi unzip cp source-code-pro-*-it/OTF/*.otf ~/.fonts/ rm -rf source-code-pro* rm cd ~/ fc-cache -f -v Du installerer derved hack fonten, en font som jeg blandt andet bruger når jeg koder.
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